Outlet Collector

CP Screens offers the Outlet Collector which is a cylindrical-shaped screen located at the bottom of a vessel/reactor and used to retain, support and eliminate the migration of catalyst/media. This type of screen can also be used at the top on the vessel/reactor to serve as an Inlet Distributor.
As with the Support Grid, our Outlet Collector is commonly used in axial flow processes including Hydrotreating, Hydrodesulphurisation, Gas Driers, Hydrocracking, Alkylation and Sand Filters to name a few.
CP Screens designs and manufactures Outlet Collectors in varying diameters, heights and sections. We are also mindful of the vessel/reactor manway size to allow for trouble-free installation. Outlet Collectors can range from a simple screen only construction for lighter design loads to more complex designs using side-by-side support bars for the top of the Outlet Collector for much higher loading applications.
There also exist Outlet Collector designs which use perforated and slotted plates with no Profile Wire Screens, which CP Screens can supply.